Things have changed for the best for us, We bought our first house this year just a few weeks ago and YES its still kinda strange for us but so Awesome.. We will no longer pay someone elses mortgage- we now pay our own :) Its so great.. Too bad it doesnt pay itself huh- yea right, if only ha ha!!

Gotta say that we didnt think it would happen this fast but soooo glad it did.. Austin got to start a new school and is adjusting super well, already made so many new friends and some around the corner from the house.. He gets to ride his bike to school which he is so pleased about, me not so much but hey Im a momma lol- someones gotta worry... Right ?? The girls are still settling in to their rooms, as they are still not all put together.. Its crazy how long it takes to get everything put away when you know that you will live somewhere for the next 10-15 yrs lol...We just want do it right the first time, not like we cant change it every few years :) The end of the year has came so fast and we cant wait to see what comes for us and our family in the new year- Hopefully great things and good health.... Dont usually do new years resolutions but this year I have 1 or maybe 2 or 3 lol that Id like to make happen...
1. I would love to keep by butt in shape, so far so semi good lol
2. Keep up the bloggage action on here... thats a toughy- very
3. Be a better mother amd wife! Im not a bad one but life does take over and the craziness kicks in and you lose yourself.. Gotta keep the balance and thats one hard task..
4. Live life to the limit :) That pretty much covers it ALL !!!
We wish everyone a blessed holiday and an awesome new year!!!! Bring on 2011 and ROCK it like its 1990 lol :)JK cause I would have only been like 12... lmao